(480) 430-5012 info@trustedvisions.com

Financial Advisor Placement

Having placed hundreds, if not thousands of advisors throughout our careers, at Trusted Visions, we have a deep understanding each and every advisor has a unique practice.  Our systematic approach finds the right broker-dealer partner for you and your practice.  We begin by having an introductory call with you and your staff to better understand your practice, clientele and what has made you unhappy with your current broker-dealer.

From that beginning, we dig much deeper to uncover all the factors that need consideration in order to hone in on the ideal broker-dealer partner.  This goes far beyond your current pricing, payout and fees you pay!

What technology is required?  What marketing assistance do you desire?  Which product offerings do you currently have and how much assistance is needed from your new BD in order to succeed?  Every detail and every request is layed out and prioritized prior to us beginning a search.

Trusted Visions now has the information to begin narrowing down an ideal partner.  Based on information provided by you, we are able to pinpoint a select few BDs for your consideration.  We arrange an introductory conversation on a confidential basis to get an idea of what each firm is able to offer you. Once those calls are complete, we will discuss every potential partner with you in order to narrow your search down to 3-4 firms that fit or exceed your needs.

Introductory calls are made with each firm.  We participate on the calls as well to ensure your questions, as well as questions you may not have considered, are thoroughly answered.  Once that process is complete, we highly recommend that you go out and visit the few firms you have isolated in order to better understand their culture.  Most importantly, you will meet directly with the leadership of each firm.