(480) 430-5012 info@trustedvisions.com

What Sets Us Apart?

Recently, I had a phone conversation that was a prime example of what sets Trusted Visions apart from many other 3rd party recruiting firms.  We had a conference call with an OSJ and a prospect that had already been introduced to the OSJ’s broker-dealer.  When talking...

Happy New Year to All!

The Trusted Visions team has worked with many billion-dollar plus teams and have guided them through transitioning to a new broker-dealer.  I personally stress to OSJ’s regularly the importance of having a Plan B in place, whether your broker-dealer is currently...

Doing Your Research

Let’s be honest, exploring your broker-dealer options can be a full-time job in itself, not to mention running the successful practice you have built.  I am not saying this for the benefit of Trusted Visions or any other 3rd party recruiting company, but you should...

Broker-Dealer Misconceptions

I have heard a lot throughout my career that financial advisors are afraid to make a broker-dealer change out of fear of losing clients.  This is an area that I feel strongly about.  Mainly, because a client is not with you because of the broker-dealer you are...

Ownership Structure of the Broker-Dealer

In today’s environment in the financial services’ space, we have seen the greatest consolidation in the industry and this will only continue.  Costs are going up, regulatory issues continue to surface and technology costs are also rising.  To remain competitive, many...

Transition Check – Look at What They’re Offering!

I absolutely realize that there is a tremendous cost in making a broker-dealer change to you and your clients.  There are account termination fees, lost revenue, extra staffing, and other costs associated and those shouldn’t be ignored.  However, the firm that writes...